Saturday, December 10th | 1-4 pm | Port Royal, SC
Please join us for bingo and a 50/50 raffle for a chance to win a new Michael Kors Bag! A taco bar will be provided by our amazing host Agave Mexican Grill. 100% of the proceeds from this event will benefit Madison’s Miracles.
Tickets are $45 per person. Advanced purchase is preferred. Seating is limited.
To purchase a ticket and reserve your spot, donate $45 to Madison’s Miracles and add a comment stating that you are buying bingo tickets and the quantity.
Ten rounds of bingo for a chance to win your choice of one of ten new Michael Kors Bags! See them under the Discussion tab on the Facebook event.
Additional bags have been donated by some amazing Madison Angels which will be raffled off until each bag is claimed!
Everyone will get one free raffle ticket at the door and an option to purchase additional tickets and/or bingo boards. We will also have a 50/50 raffle where you purchase as many 50/50 tickets as you want for a chance to win half the pot of money raised from the 50/50 ticket sale.
A taco bar will be provided by Agave Mexican Grill.
If you have questions, please contact Jenifer Klepesky, Madison’s Mom, at 267-226-9500.